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Computer Networks

  1. Go to the Start menu, go to Run, and type "CMD" in the dialog box
  2. Now you should see a dark (DOS) window.
  3. Without the quotes, type "IPCONFIG" and press ENTER.
  4. Now you should see some network information, along with the IP ADDRESS of your computer listed.

  1. If more information is needed, other than the IP address, type the following from the same DOS box : IPCONFIG /ALL
  2. This will provide you with more network information on your computer. Its purposes may vary.
  3. There are also websites available that can provide your computer IP, such as
  4. If you have a router/network set up, please note that the initial steps above will only show you the network's IP from the router. For example, if you have a Linksys router installed, and perform the IPCONFIG command, it will show you something like "192.168.1.x" as opposed to your computer's local/root address. For this reason,  2nd one  may be useful. 

  • Unlabelled


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